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All important information, such as the rules, the plot, and anything else that you might need to know before joining Arquelle will be located within this forum. Pay attention - it is mandatory that you read this.


4 7 Canon Characters
Oct 10, 2009 18:53:31 GMT -5
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Have a question, comment, or suggestion for Arquelle? Post it here! We don't bite, we promise, and we always appreciate suggestions for making us better. Guests can feel free to post here.

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Any important administrative announcements can be found in this board. They're all relevant, and need to be read when posted. This can include activity checks, site events, or anything else the staff members might want the members to know.

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Have you read through all the rules and such? Awesome! Now you can go ahead and fill out your application. Don't worry, it's not too difficult or time consuming. Just please wait for Admin acceptance before roleplaying.

1 1 Mauvais [INC]
Oct 5, 2009 13:23:21 GMT -5
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Once your application has been reviewed, if it is accepted by an admin it will be moved here, to the storage closet, for reference as well as to keep everything nice and organized.

Sub-boards: M O R D I A . A P P S, A L L E V I A N . A P P S, F A L V I O R . A P P S, C A D I E N T . A P P S, L O N E R . A P P S

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Anything that has to do with your characters - the herds, stats, foals, etc. - can be found in the Character Corner. If you have a certain rank, there may be things that you need to update in here.

Sub-boards: H E R D . S T A T S, B U N D L E S . O F . J O Y

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Sorry lovelies, everyone knows the administrators need somewhere to talk about all those admin-like duties. (:

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Echiole's Valley is considered varied at best. The grasses range from exceedingly lush along the three river beds that run across the valley, to dense, course stalks that reach past the shoulder, to nearly no vegetation at all. It depends on where you rest. Surrounding the valley are large, intimidating plateaus, which are impossible to climb. Needless to say, the plateaus are a favorite spot for most pegasus. This area is used mainly for claiming, along with some regular socializing here and there.

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Quite the grim, although fascinating, display, you can usually find many a wandering equine or mythic somewhere among its vast expanse. Socialization is what most come here for, though many also find it to be the ideal place to look for some peace and quiet, a place to clear one's mind. Granted...the solitude usually does not last very long.

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This land can be seen as dangerous, foreboding, and for some...promising. It isn't the safest place for mares to venture alone - most who do stumble upon it by accident or are perhaps trying to prove their strength. Usually it doesn't end well. These are the breeding grounds, used mostly by couples wishing to foal, but some darker figures linger, just waiting for their next target.

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Easily the most despised and feared of all the Equality lands in Arquelle, the Ocean of Thynid is a place of battle, it's a place of death. Mares pit themselves against mares, stallions against stallions, and occasionally a mare against a stallion. It seems the ground is constantly stained a deep crimson from what is so frequently shed upon it. Any equines or mythics that feel death fast approaching often come here so that their bodies will be carried off with the tides, rather than a more unpleasant method of clean-up.

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Technically an area for equines, mythics, and immortals to socialize in peace, this land has been mainly overtaken for use by the supreme lords and ladies for councils between the dynasties. After all, no one really wants to invite a potential enemy into their home. This is not to say lesser equines do not venture into these parts, it is just advised that you be careful when entering. The lords and ladies do not take well to interruptions.

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The Mordia Dynasty is home to the Pegasi of Arquelle. Their home is both upon the tops of the frigid mountains that line the northern skies, as well as the skies themselves. The tops of the mountains have been considerably flattened - on most of them, that is - and one can find paths wound upon their sides, as well as shallow caves so that the Pegasi may find shelter when needed. Their home is perhaps the safest of all the Dynasties, for it is often completely concealed, as well as unreachable for the other Dynasties. The clouds cover the mountain tops the majority of the time. The only downfall to their magnificent perch? There is very little food and water within their mountain home, so they must often make numerous trips down to the ground to find nourishment.


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The Allevian Dynasty is home to the Unicorns of Arquelle. Their home consists of a huge expanse of forestry, within which resides both huge, towering oaks and pines as well as tiny, foot-tall spruces. The forest is as varied as any other land you might find, but it provides the Unicorns with protection as well as plenty of food and water, if you know where to look, that is. Numerous streams wind their way across the forest floor, and since grass is not as plentiful as one would imagine, the Unicorns often resort to ripping the leaves off the countless trees in order to sustain themselves. Nevertheless, the habitat is perfect for the creatures, and large enough to hold the many herds that wander.


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The Falvior Dynasty is home to the mortal Equines of Arquelle. Their land is something along the lines of two habitats combined into one. In some areas of Falvior you can find the grasslands - which, make no mistake, grass is not always plentiful - which is undoubtedly the more dangerous of the areas, as predators are known to be plentiful. In other areas you might stumble upon beaches and large bodies of water, but not oceans, simply lakes. Falvior is the largest of all the Dynasties, so there are many separate grasslands and beaches, but the herds make their homes all over the expansive lands.


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The Cadient Dynasty is home to the Immortals of Arquelle. Their home is without a sliver of doubt the bleakest, eeriest lands in all of Arquelle, including all of the Equality lands. Their home is as dead as they are, with hardly a shred of grass or a drop of water in sight. They don't need it, after all. The light seems to be a little dimmer when travelling here, the air just a bit warmer. And though the thought that Immortals are all vicious, despicable monsters is a stereotype that is more often than not untrue, one can't help but feel an intense sense of dread upon entering the godforsaken barrens.


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The Loner's Lands are, of course, home to the Loners of Arquelle. They tend to be rebellious, shirking of labels, or perhaps here because they cannot belong in any of the herds. Such as the unfortunate crosses between unicorn and pegasus, for example. Others do not wish to serve under a lord and lady, and would rather rule themselves. Truthfully there is not set area for the Loners - any land that does not belong to a Dynasty or the Equality lands automatically goes to them. There are no true herds, just small families, so they do not usually take up much space.

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Feel free to chat about pretty much anything here! From a funny video you saw on youtube to a story you want a critique on, chat it up!

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We all love to play games, now don't we? It's the perfect distraction for when you're feeling museless or bored. Feel free to play both IC or OOC games here.

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Hey, we don't all have super-amazing graphic prowess, now do we? Make sure to follow the form, and feel free to request an image for your character in here. Also if you want your own studio sub-board, just contact an Admin with some examples and a name and description, and we'll set you up!

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New to Arquelle and want to introduce yourself, and get to know everyone else? Post up an intro thread, don't be shy. Or if you're going to be gone for a bit, post in the absences sub-board so we know that you didn't just disappear on us! (:

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Arquelle is open to all levels and experience, but no matter if you're a beginner or advanced, there is always room for improvement! So feel free to post some roleplaying tutorials in here, on whatever you want. Be it grammar, popular terms, or quality versus quantity.

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1 1 REMNANTS OF OBLIVION - Were, Human & Vamp RP
by Staff
May 1, 2010 19:37:19 GMT -5
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